Our newest and most hi-tech course. Don’t look like a clutz when randomly pushing buttons on your GPS and other electronic navigation devices. Get the simple inside scoop on how to make the best and proper use of these and understand the vast amount of useful information they present. Look like a champ rather than a chimp. This is the world’s most up-to-date electronic navigation course.

Estimated time: 5 hours.


This Electronic Navigation course is the world’s only true interactive course where you learn all the instruments you might have onboard a sailboat. The exercises are designed so that you actually interact with a simulated GPS chart plotter and get inside the workings to REALLY understand how to maximize the information being presented to you. With ease, you’ll implement navigation techniques like setting your autopilot to track a waypoint or tack perfectly on a layline.

You are also introduced to newer technologies like AIS, MARPA, and Weather GRIBs and shown how to effectively use them.

We guarantee both your satisfaction AND Lifetime access to any sailing course you buy from us.


  1. Module 1 emphasizes that electronic navigation is an aid to the good sailor’s senses but can not replace them.
  2. Module 2 introduces and brings back some of the basics that you should already be familiar with in regards to navigation.
  3. Module 3 is an in-depth discussion of wind. In particular, it delves into the calculation of true wind and shows how important true wind direction is when navigating.
  4. Module 4 is all about boat speed. How to navigate using optimum speeds and how to find your best course to achieve your destination in the fastest time. We define velocity made good on course and velocity made good upwind.
  5. Module 5 prepares you for the shotgun of jargon that will be delivered in module 7.
  6. Module 6 introduces technologies such as AIS, RADAR and Weather GRIBS and electronic chart overlays.
  7. Module 7 is a step by step walk through of a real GPS chart plotter unit. You’ll gain the confidence, working knowledge and user experience, through various animations, to fully work a chart plotter device and apply this to your sailing navigation.
  8. Module 8 will round everything out so that you’re confident in your ability to navigate using electronic instruments.

NOW you may also download the Electronic Navigation Course material (without the test or test credit) from our Sailing Apps store via iTunes. The App is in an eBook type format and is also fully interactive and full of animations. If you have an iPad, get the App. You can then take the test and get credit using our iPad testing App